
All are contactable through the school office or by email to We share information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving parents and children appropriately.

Wedmore First School Academy recognises that the safety and welfare of children is paramount and that we have a responsibility to protect children in all the academy’s activities. We take all reasonable steps to ensure, through appropriate procedures and training, that all students, irrespective of sex, age, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual identity or social status, are protected from abuse. We foster a culture of vigilance amongst staff, students, parents and visitors. We always listen to students and take their concerns seriously.

Please do not hesitate if you have any concerns or queries please contact the academy immediately and you will be directed to a member of staff who will endeavour to help you.

Safeguarding Team
Shelly Kent Designated Safeguarding Lead & Headteacher
Daisy Ham Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & Acting Nursery Manager
Rhiannon Wyman Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & Acting Deputy Nursery Manager
Martin Horton Local Partner - Safeguarding
  • Wessex Learning Trust - Safeguarding Policy
  • Wessex Learning Trust - Safeguarding Statement