School Uniform

Uniform is worn at Wedmore First School Academy to develop a sense of pride in being a member of the school community.

We have a school uniform and actively encourage children to wear it. Please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Jumpers, fleeces, school ties, T-shirts and book and PE bags with the school logo can be bought from Deanes of Cheddar, telephone 01934 742530.

Our Uniform
  • Pink gingham dress (summer)
  • Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers short or long (winter)
  • White polo shirt or white shirt/blouse
  • Maroon jumper or cardigan
  • School tie
  • White/grey socks or grey/maroon tights
  • Sensible dark shoes
Clothing for PE

The children need to have dark coloured shorts, white T-shirts and plimsolls (preferably slip-ons), all clearly marked. Please provide a named drawstring bag for PE kit. For outdoor sporting activities children should bring trainers, dark coloured jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt top as many games sessions take place outside on the school field.

Pre-loved Uniform

Our PTA hold frequent sales for pre-loved uniform. This is a great way of reusing/recycling well-loved uniform, raising money for the school (which goes directly towards enrichment activities for the children) as well as keeping school uniform costs down for you. There is a vast supply of all items (including branded and non-branded items) costing just £2/£3 each or anything more you can donate. For more information, including finding out the dates of upcoming uniform sales please email